The Best Video I’ve Ever Watched On Why The US Is Really In Afghanistan- Pathological Plunder
I want to post this as a follow up to my Putin video from last Friday. I’ll get into more detail in a coming post but the follow-up to that post is that there is ample evidence the US had a soft coup in the early 1960s. Truman and Eisenhower warned us of their fears. Then, fears were possibly realized with Kennedy’s death. If this is anywhere near accurate, the end result of that coup possibly led to the election of Ronald Reagan and every president since; who have bludgeoned democratic government and replaced it with a monied political class who does their will of transferring taxpayer money to corporations and banks under the guise of soft eugenics like cuts to Social Security, gutting unemployment, shit wage jobs, killing communities, selling off and privatizing democratic institutions and public resources and sending our economic determinism to global capitalist slave labor camps. In some ways, I would classify most politicians and every president since Reagan as some level of both economic and war criminals; not a new characterization on here. We are living through the free market of corporate capitalism that Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, Lewis Powell and other psychopaths so idolized. A world where corporations act in perfect self-interest without being held back by democratic government. I’ll cover more of that in another follow-up to the Putin video later but for now I want to post this video of a British military veteran.
This video is quite disturbing but pulls the mask of the war criminals, banking criminals and corporate psychopaths who lead both British and US nations. It also makes me wonder how many Afghanis are fleeing because they fear retribution for the crimes they committed in concert with occupying forces. This is an angle I had not thought of before but is clearly evident. So, how many of the most pathological “supporters” of the crimes committed in Afghanistan are being brought to western countries as refugees? Something not being discussed at all but worth considering.
The narrator makes special mention of the CIA and its atrocities. The CIA played a(the) primary role in Afghanistan for at least the first part of our involvement. They were the first forces in Afghanistan. The CIA is an organization that most Americans I’ve ever talked to simply don’t understand. I think they look at it with suspicion but not enough suspicion to actually do anything about it. Just like all of the other corruption. So, instead, the corruption becomes normalized over decades and even centuries. That’s probably because the CIA plays a massive role in the propaganda machine that creates US citizen passivity, division and brainwashing. Most people have no idea the CIA was created in the 1947 National Security Act I’ve talked about numerous times over the years. But, more importantly, the National Security Act created the CIA under the genesis of plausible deniability for politicians (Reagan used endlessly for his crimes) as they had no oversight by any government officials written into the law. So, they essentially became a terror policy arm of our government. This is important to understand as the CIA exists to handle the request of corporations that are too unsavory for politicians. The deep state is the corporate state. It is capitalism. Some small number of people understand this as they have labeled the CIA as Capitalism’s Invisible Army. Does anyone actually believe the government created this and countless other legislative actions without the corruption of bankers and corporate barons? The rot in the US goes back centuries.
I’ve read so much about the CIA over the years that it all runs together but when watching this video brings one particular quote to mind that I’ll never forget. I’d ask viewers to consider a statement make by one of the former CIA leaders made in the twilight of his life. There’s a quote from book I once read from James Jesus Angleton, one of the biggest criminals in CIA history. “Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess I will see them there soon.” This is the kind of person runs covert operations at the CIA. And, who likely ran covert actions in Afghanistan.
The US didn’t spend $2 trillion in Afghanistan to build a nation or catch one person. It spent $2 trillion because capitalism uses wars to transfer wealth and power upward to our masters. And literally sacrifices the lives of the common foot soldier who believes in democracy and his nation to accomplish it. Hundreds of thousands dead and maimed in Afghanistan. Many women and children. The US has invaded, destabilized or overthrown nearly half of the nations on earth since the creation of the CIA.(Around 80 documented cases) There’s even plausible rumors they have their own dollar printing press to fund massive terror and destabilization efforts. And, researchers and journalists have uncovered many domestic plots and endless manipulations of the American people on domestic soil. Remember, this is in service to corporations just like other capitalist nations and their secret governments. There’s overwhelming evidence the US has destabilized (or worse) the lives of tens of millions, if not billions. They didn’t do that for any other reason than capitalism and its evil worship of mammon; greater power and profits.
What we are witnessing is nothing new. It’s been far, far worse dozens of times. What’s new is you are watching The Bay of Pigs or the debacle Vietnam in real time and with real-time reporting by anti-establishment individuals, figures and organization on social media and the internet so the system can’t control the narrative. But, it certainly could if it unplugged the internet. The system killed and maimed millions in Vietnam without any mandate to ever win the war. Because the goal was not to win the war. It was to saddle democracy with debt and transfer the plunderings of war to military contractors, corporations and banks. Just like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and on and on and on.
This is exactly how the Roman Empire worked. Exactly. And, the masses were bought off with propaganda of Roman exceptionalism, the wealth and plundering of war and other civilization’s riches, slavery and the brutal subjugation of the world.