Saturday, January 31, 2015

Immutable Crisis Lies Ahead - Remarks On The Post-Election Actions Of Greece’s New Prime Minister And The Evil Pathology Enslaving All Of Europe


I pilfered the above picture and it was lifted by someone else and so on and so on.   There is no original attribution so I’ll simply chalk up the attribution to the great people of Greece.   But I wanted to start this post with this graphic to show the absolute criminality of what is happening in Europe.   (Remember, this is only a nation of 11 million people.)  This is not a U.S. phenomena.   And it’s not a Greek phenomena.  It’s global.   And it’s enforced through class and hierarchy.  ie, The state.  The predators in Europe are every bit as vile as here in America.  In fact, so far they are worse as this picture shows.  Give them time.  They’ll pull every bit of evil they can out of their hats in the U.S. too.   And so will China and everywhere else.   If humanity did to the pathological evil in this world what it is doing to them, they would all be living on the edge, dead or suffering massive misery.   It’s incontrovertible this evil literally has not a f*cking care in the world if all of us die as long as they maintain control of us.  They are clearly purely evil psychopaths lacking in any human empathy.   Don’t kid yourself.   Our inability to call evil for what it is has allowed this pathology to grow and flourish for far too long.  There is a palpable evil in this world and it is unprecedented in scope and scale.  Never has the world suffered under so much emotional, spiritual and physical violence.  What is coming our way is going to be far, far larger than anyone in the status quo imagines.  Back a decade ago one of the first posts I wrote that the world would literally shudder and shake when this cycle ends.  This at a time when we were “told” the world was experiencing unprecedented prosperity.  On the surface, and to those who really didn’t get understand what is going on,  and people who believe what they are told rather than thinking for themselves, it certainly did appear that way.  Karma is a bitch.

I want to go into some detail about monetary policy, Syriza’s plan and the Greek victory for  the far left in coalition with the far right in that nation. (Far left and far right are made-up terms used by pathology to trivialize human decency and democracy.  Because, to be honest, the Syriza part is not going far enough to create a new paradigm.  Or, as the status quo would say, they aren’t radical enough or threatening enough to their megalomania and evil.)  The new prime minister, Tsipras, is already shaking up the status quo.    Greek bank stocks and Greek debt are collapsing.  Of course, one of his campaign plans was to nationalize the banking system so frankly, if he does so, what their debt does or what banking stocks do is irrelevant except to the current paradigm of pure rot and fraud.    The current system must be pushed aside for humanity to move forward.  Collapse of existing paradigms is guaranteed if humanity is to ever move beyond the contrivances of criminal economic, banking and monetary systems.   Tsipras, like Beppe Grillo and other political outsiders rising to the forefront around the world, are definitely is not the moronic status quo political donkeys that are controlled by private forces, corporations, bankers and class.   They are well-versed in important topics rather than the general pall of extreme ignorance that defines almost all current politicians.  In America politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, George Bush, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell define that pall.  I am being completely serious here.  American politicians are right up there with the world’s standard bearers for ignorance.   The two party monopoly presents us with endless false choices.  Choices of dunces.   A Confederacy of Dunces.  The criminal racket of extortion these two parties create relies on ignorance to flourish.    Literally every single politician I can think of in this nation is steeped in ignorance and arrogance, the most acrimonious of marriages, and one I personally loathe more than any other.  Ignorance is a condition we can all easily overcome.  Ignorant arrogance is a terminal condition for which there is no treatment.   Now we are seeing why many of our founders wanted to ban political parties.  Merit can never rise to the topic when control structures like political parties, registered corporations themselves, are there to prevent it.    We can expect Greece in some form is likely coming to Amerika sooner or later.  It may develop an American twist but when the pain reaches its necessary threshold, and it will without massive reforms even larger than in the Great Depression, we are headed for another revolution, a long time theme on here.  Not necessary a violent revolution.  In fact, I have written many times that it doesn’t need to be and hopefully won’t be.  But rather a revolution of our minds.  That is the kind of revolution the status quo fears the most.   They want us to be ignorant and respond violently.  They are prepared for that.  It simply validates their greater and greater use of violence to “protect” order, society, themselves or whatever bullshit they dream up.  What they have no answer to is a revolution of the mind or enlightenment and awakening.  Just like in 1776.   And mind you, this is just like 1776, and the start of the Civil War, and the Soviet Union, and the British Empire, and the Roman Empire.   The pathology of evil throughout history rhymes in many ways.   But this is far more sinister than any of them.

Regardless, Tsipras has written and spoken publicly for the last year on a multitude of very important topics.  He clearly understands the pure criminality of austerity as imposed by his Brussels-German-French overlords and the crooks at the IMF.   That said, he has some contradictory assessments of what needs to happen to solve the problem.   That means crisis almost certainly lies ahead not only for the EU but for Greece.   It will get worse before it gets better.  Likely much worse.  And Tsipras, if he continues down this road, will be the instigator of that crisis whether he means to be or not.   Political actions have massive unintended consequences.  He is trying to maintain the existing paradigm and work within its controlling constructs in an effort to reform it.    We are well past reform.  We need new paradigms.   Tsipras wrote early last year that Europe needed a new New Deal.   He wants new terms on loans and an opportunity within the existing central banking and pan-European money paradigm to recover Greece.   That’s quite an impossible paradox of attempting to find truth within the constructs of control.   There is absolutely no way this will work.   The system must be redesigned from the ground up.

Since his election he has penned a letter to Europe and Germany.   It’s a very eloquent and I would encourage everyone to consider reading it as I will be discussing it below.   And his discussion points are relevant globally as the criminal class is global and their oppressive evil and violence is global.  Additionally, here is Syriza’s 40 point plan to recover Greece’s economy.    It looks more like a cross between Jeffersonian Democracy (basically Athenian Democracy and that should be no surprise since we are talking Athens two thousand years later.) and the words of Jesus of Nazareth than a communist manifesto.    (This includes a pro-peace foreign policy that calls out the neoliberal warmongering, violent, control-driven doctrine of the Europeans and Americans.)  By the way, I wouldn’t get too caught up in Tsipras’ political ties.  Communism has been a very active political element in Greece for the last century.  They have pretty much been a democracy to some degree and the communist party has played a role in that.   I abhor communism as an ideal founded in the cult of statism and control but people can label themselves whatever they want in relation to the state and it can mean anything under the sun.   Democrat, Republican and Libertarian in this nation means corporate tyranny, class, the subversion of individual rights, wage slavery, economic misery and Godlessness.  What matters are people’s deeds and actions.  You can call yourself Santa Claus if your actions are right and just and true. 

With that, I want to note a point I made on here years ago.  If capitalism and free markets were so just and democratic and naturally obvious to those who are oppressed, then why are the oppressed people of the world living under capitalist exploitation always rising up in the form of communism or some other type of rebellion?   Did the devil make them do it?   And why is America and Europe always fighting against these movements and subverting nations around the world who are trying to break free from capitalist exploitation?  And why has the Pope and other people seeking decency and kindness called out capitalism as brutal and inhumane?  And why did we fight a Revolutionary War in 1776 when Adam Smith’s capitalist manifesto, Wealth of Nations, was written in that very year?  Because it’s all a brainwashing snow job.   You may think Adam Smith was an authentic dude and his writings have been bastardized.  And maybe that is true.  But the reality is in 1776 Britain’s capitalism was a virus and his delusional writings of grandeur are about a mythological system that simply has never actually existed in the real world.    All isms, capitalism, communism, socialism, feudalism, fascism are simply different variations of the same dynamic.  That is, simply different flavors of forced state violence.  They are control constructs meant to enrich a plutocratic ruling class who hates the idea of democracy, self-rule and human freedom and use the force of the state to dominate humanity emotionally, spiritually and physically. 

I want to address below some of what is going on with Greece and Europe.  And why Tsipras’ attempts to modify the existing paradigm and work within this system are going to fail.  Whether it fails completely and rapidly or fails in pieces over time is the only question.  And that cannot be completely answered because we don’t know yet what actions all of the actors will take.  But, that said, critical mass is probably a very small number in the world today.  So, once we reach it in various constructs, things are going to happen very quickly and uncontrollably.  Look at how rapidly Greece’s new prime minister became the scourge of the European plutocracy.  Just a matter of months ago we were told the European crisis was over.  Ahem.

One of the outcomes I wrote about when every single mouthpiece in the mainstream media was blowing bulloney that that the euro was honest money or above crisis or other equally ignorant remarks while I was writing that the euro was headed for disaster and failure.  Now, certainly there have been euroskeptics in Europe since before I ever wrote anything publicly.  And many of those Europeans were very shrewd and very knowledgeable about money.  They knew this system would never work from the very beginning.  None of them I am aware of were politicians, corporate executives, economists, financiers, bankers or central bankers.   If they were, they were mocked as ignorant.   That’s part of the conformity of thought, ignorance and group think that is so palpable in the ruling class of corporate and political control.   I guess we now are starting to see who really are the ignoramuses.   It’s not humanity.  It’s the system and its controlling class of dunces.

As I have noted on here many times, the only viable solution to move forward in this country or in Europe is to default on this debt.  Period.  Debt is a myth.  It isn’t real.  And wiping it away is done every single day when it benefits the system.  Oftentimes debt is wiped in return for equity.   Or theft by the plutocracy.   That is what has been happening in Greece with the forced privatization of democratic institutions.  Wiping debt out of the goodness of one’s heart never happens because this global financial system is criminal.   Now, that default can be an orderly monetization and forgiveness, or if the criminal class won’t yield, then it should be an outright default.   The vast majority of people in this world didn’t benefit one iota from this debt binge and should not be forced to repay it.  It was the plutocracy that enriched themselves.  In a system where money is debt, society and the working class gets the debt and the plutocratic class has gotten all of the money.  

Money is fungible.   So Tsipras will never effectively wield the control necessary to change the ECB structure so that it supports investment in a particular country and locality as he wishes.   If the ECB hands out money once or twice to each particular state in the Eurozone for public investment as Tsipras wishes, there is nothing to stop that money from eventually leaking out of the local economies and out of Greece all together.  Or, money in the place of new money granted by the ECB leaving Greece.   This is the exact same top-down, centrally-planned control structure that is in place within the U.S. and Europe today that has seen that exact same leakage.  In fact, that is what has created mass crisis in Greece in the first place.  Deregulated, private profit-driven-money of capitalism is going to flee any particular nation  or locality if it can gain a comparative advantage somewhere else.   Private interests are predatory and rent-seeking.   Trying to direct investment into Greece with the same privately controlled and corporate-controlled money that can be used in a dozen other countries will never work.    Even if Tsipras is moderately successful in ECB reforms, the only this will do is concentrate more monetary power into the hands of the Greek state in the short term.  State-directed investment may temporarily flourish but longer-term Greeks will continue to suffer and crisis will simply reappear.   This is simply a failure of Tsipras mandate-driven ideology.  State-directed communism, while on appearance may seem noble, simply does not work.    State spending will not re-ignite democracy, local investment or economic determinism for the Greek people or anyone else.  That’s why Obama’s project-ready bullshit was a complete and utter disaster that only encouraged plunder by plutocrats, corporations and state bureaucrats.   Private, predatory interests, and public predatory interests in this system simply loot the state through its attempt at investment.   Greece has become notorious for this.   This level of statism is why the United States and Greece are choking on their own economic vomit in the first place.  All money in some way, shape or form pays fealty to Washington criminals.   Tsipras is asking for that same dynamic in his supposed attempts at reforming the ECB.   It will eventually fail even if he were to extract mild banking or ECB reforms.  

The only way to create a new New Deal or economic determinism in Europe, as Syriza wishes to do, is for Greece to return to the drachma and other nations to return to their own local currencies.    Beppe Grillo clearly understands this and has called for a return to the Italian lira.  Tsipras apparently does not or he has a hidden agenda, which clearly is possible.   He is a politician and politics is not an institution of truth but rather an institution of control.   The only way to create a global economy is with global money.   The only way to create a national economy is with national money.  The only way to create a local economy is with local money.   And the only way to have local money is to place the power of money into the hands of local communities and individuals within those communities through local democracy.   This is a statement of treason to the anti-democratic forces of  class, hierarchy, politicians, corporate capitalism, central bankers, Wall Street, etc that dominate humanity and, as it pertains to this discussion, Europe, the ECB and the EU.   Now, I am getting ahead of myself as I have written many times I will eventually put up a post on what a democratic banking and money system would like look under my solutions.  Although I have laid out many clear monetary and banking solutions already, I have not placed them into a single post or single cogent framework and I have purposefully excluded many working pieces.   So, for now you can noodle on those remarks and let your own creativity flow.  You may even have better ideas than I do on how to accomplish these goals.  But Greece has to recreate local economies.  To do that, they need local money available not to the Greek government but to the Greek people and Greek communities.  The euro is not going to do that unless the power of money within the entire Eurozone is placed into the hands of localities.   But that would take a political union and there is absolutely no way Europeans are going to give up their cultural identity to be run by a centrally-planned bureaucracy even more loathsome than the European Union and the European Central Bank. 

I want to digress a moment into a sidebar discussion for the umpteenth time.  Too many people fall into this mythical lie of the pathological that the only honest money is gold money.    You never hear any of these people talk about gold money being democratic money.  It’s honest money.  WTF is that?  Honest for whom?  The people who own all of the gold?  That is, the state or the aristocracy or both.   Gold money is the money of tyranny.  Ron Paul is one of the perpetrators of this myth.  Ron Paul also believes liberty is to subjugate yourself to corporate dominance as he is an Ayn Rand disciple.  Rand wrote of the glory of corporate leaders being able to exploit workers for their own desire to produce.  Workers were to be exploited.  There is nothing democratic about private, for-profit corporate power controlling your economic fate.   (Although I certainly appreciate many of Rand’s tenets of objectivism being based in individual and natural rights.)  And there is nothing democratic about gold money.   How many times have you ever heard any of these ideologues say gold money is democratic money?  NEVER.  Because democratic money is the antithesis of gold money as I have written in extreme detail and explanation time and again.   Gold money is loved by the rich and the state.  In fact, there is zero, and I mean zero historical example of gold money being anything other than for the rich, class and the state.   Ask the person swimming in his misery in Ferguson if he cares one iota if we have gold money.   He’s gladly put his hands on fiat money.   Democratic money is fiat money and is abundantly available to all of our citizens.   Our nation was founded on fiat, debt-free paper money.  We fought the Revolutionary War to rid ourselves of the king’s private, debt-based money and the gold looters that turned the colonies into a shithole of economic misery thus playing the primary role in starting the Revolutionary War.   

Tsipras’ plan of working within the European economic and banking aristocracy and its control constructs will fail because central banking as it has always been practiced in Europe and North America is designed as a criminal enterprise.  The central control of an entire economy and its money is the only method through which a society’s state-propped-up class and privilege like corporate capitalism or communism can effectively maintain its theft and control for any period of time.  Central banks are looting mechanisms that are enforced by the violence of the state.  And the private, debt-based creation of money by member banking oligarchs is an affront to freedom, democracy and democratic economics.  To enslave humanity to the usurious private interests of a private, profit-driven banking syndicate controlled by central authority is the conduit through which systemic economic theft occurs and an artificial state-created aristocracy is created and perpetuated.  The central bank is the enabler created by the state.  The private, profit-driven banks are the theft mechanism.   Corporations of all ilk then enforce this mechanism through economic rent extraction, wage slavery and surplus value theft.   

So, the Tsipras plan to work within the ECB and European Union, both of which are criminal enterprises, is never going to work.  There is a finite amount of power, be it economic, monetary, human rights or whatnot.  For this plan to work, Tsipras is asking the thieving aristocracy to give up those centralized rights and grant them back to the people and communities in Greece that they stole this power, money and control from in the first place.  That is never, ever going to happen.  This system was set up as a system of economic and monetary domination and slavery from the very beginning.   

Now, let’s take a final look at why the euro is uniquely positioned to fail and why it is different than the dollar.   The reason why Europe’s crisis is different than the U.S., and why Tsipras’ plans are literally guaranteed to fail is because in the United States there is a central political authority to inflict the violence necessary for debt enslavement, usury enslavement, corporate rent extraction and the criminal denial of democratic economic rights required for this system to be enforced.    The U.S. central state has total authority to strip people of their democratic economic rights, strip people of their wealth through taxes, usury, corporate slavery, debt and brutal economic policies, strip people of their ability to stay alive through massive austerity and on and on.  The U.S. has all of the political levers of violence in place to dominate humanity that the ECB and the Euro plutocrats don’t have because there is no political union.  The ECB has no ability to tax, directly enslave Europeans to debt and usury, or levy punitive political policies that guarantees this monetary and economic control construct can perpetuate itself.    They lack a central polity to enforce a system of violent economic slavery and misery.   That is why the ECB and the euro will fail.   It was designed from the very beginning to be an authoritarian system of economic domination achieved through the centralized control of money, usury and debt but it isn’t backed with the necessary political violence to enforce it.    This isn’t some radical view of reality.  It’s the only true reality.  The state has always existed to serve privilege through violence.   Does anything think Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blanfein or Monsanto’s CEO or CEOs in the MI complex or the health care complex or any of the other pathological predators who have raped our society on behalf of the investor class, politicians and themselves could be anything more than gas station attendants without the effective use of state violence to literally steal from the mass of Americans?  What the f#ck do these people actually know that in some way can be used to benefit humanity?  Did they cure cancer?  Come up with sustainable agricultural solutions to feed the masses?  Design a bridge?   Know how to plumb a house?  Create a renewable energy system?   How about legalized stealing through the force of the state?  That’s literally all they have shown in their ability.  That is the only way any individual person can achieve this level of wealth while hundreds of millions of people live on the edge of monetary and economic misery. 

The euro is finished without the state unleashing greater violence, misery and control constructs on the masses in Europe to ensure its tyranny can continue to be shoved down the throats of the entire continent.  Tsipras would save his nation a lot of misery, wasted time and attempted solutions that will not work by simply doing what needs to be done.    That is default.  And then nationalize the banking system and encourage Greek economic determinism through the application of public capital (democratic banking and democratic money)  to create not only public investment but private investment and community/human development.  

posted by TimingLogic at 10:09 AM

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Sign Of The Times–The Glorification Of Murder & Violence And The Movie American Sniper

In order to get you to kill someone for me, I have to instill in your mind a fear-based, control construct.  That is exactly what a belief systems is.  It’s all it is.   In many ways belief systems appear to have a trance-like effect of creating ignorance.   That is how pathology controls humanity.   It’s how Charles Manson got cult members to bludgeon and butcher innocent people.   Belief systems are ego-created control constructs created out of fear that keep our mind from connecting to truth and our highest good.    This is exactly how someone can literally be shown the truth and yet be blinded to its reality.   We  cling to our belief systems out of a state of fear.  My son could not have killed that man.   Human-caused global warming has to be real.  Peak Oil is a certainty.   Free market capitalism is a bastion of democracy.   The United States is a global force for good.   Work is the ultimate expression of humanity and you should aspire to be a wage slave.  The military-industrial complex murders people around the world for the benefit of freedom and humanity.   Where did you learn all of those brainwashing belief systems?  From class and hierarchy who operate from an intent of control.  (Remember, as noted on here ad nauseam, the human mind has only two intents – the intent of control created by the fear-driven ego and the intent of truth driven by our higher power.  This is the contradictory duality of the human condition.)  

The primitive state of fear-driven belief systems are a very, very consuming reality in the world today.  This is exactly how any military operates.  Not just in the United States but in any standing army around the world.  By instilling a fear-based, control construct (propagandized belief systems) into the minds of those who serve standing armies and into violent, ignorant societies that glorify standing armies, violence, aggression and war.  That's why basic training in any military involves first emotionally break down all recruits then building them into the authority-controlled robots that do the killing of authority without questioning how or why.   Recruits are literally brainwashed.  All violence, be it emotional, spiritual or physical, or against ourselves or someone else, is a disconnection from our divine higher power created literally through narrow-mindedness or ignorance.   It is ludicrous to ever believe humanity can achieve connection, forgiveness, peace and community through war.  War is a primitive, ego-driven control construct.  And it is man’s most evil invention.

This is how the state (class and hierarchy) gets people to murder to protect their power and control over others.  Or, maybe I should say those for whom the state runs a protection racket.  Because that is what the state is.  It’s a protection racket for privileged state actors and benefactors.   The easiest way for pathological evil to get someone else to act violently against another human being is to base that on instilling belief systems creating superficial but recognizable differences.   That person doesn’t look like you.  Or, that person doesn’t have the same religious beliefs as you.    It is a form of dehumanization and objectification that brainwashes the ego into rationalizing murder.   Hitler was a master at this.   And so were Southern plantation slave owners.   Frankly, so is American Empire.  If I told you someone walking down the street was your enemy and you should walk over and kill him or her, would you do it?   Well, then why would the same person kill a total stranger who has done absolutely nothing to them?   Because they have been entranced by evil.   It’s the exact same method a pyschopath uses to control its victims.   The method the state uses to get people to kill for it is exactly how Charles Manson operated.  

In a continuation of the theme I have been writing about since December, I want to highlight the record box office take of the movie American Sniper.   This is definitely a sign of the times and the insane level of propaganda,  indoctrination and ignorance typical within the cult of statism and the propaganda that drives the delusional reality for modern corporate capitalist societies and the state.  Statism is clearly the most successful cult of the last century.   It trumps any religion by a large margin.  Proof of this is incontrovertible.  How many supposed Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist nations, as just an example, have literally butchered more than one hundred million people in the name of the state in the last century?  And how many of those who were killed, were killed by complete strangers?  (Necrometrics puts the number at 207,000,000.  I thought I would put that in numerical form because it seems to have a more profound degree of meaning.  At least to me.)  

Those who serve the state and buy into its endless violence are its brainwashed zealots.  Whether that is corporate capitalism, which is clearly a manifestation of state violence, or outright war or any other form of aggression glorified by states, (those are nearly endless) it’s really just different characterizations of the same evil pathology that dominates humanity today.   Really, I don’t consider the actions of ISIS to be that much different than the actions of those who support the cult of statism.  In fact, as noted on here ad nauseam, the state has murdered well more people than ISIS ever will.   The modern states of Russia and the U.S. have together murdered upwards of a million people in the last decade or so.    This supposedly during a time of unprecedented global prosperity.  Or so we are told.  You know, those pesky belief systems.  The numbers may be arguable but let’s be frank;  ISIS isn’t going to murder a million people nor is it going to enslave billions more under its system of emotional, spiritual and physical violence as the state has.   Not that evil has degrees.  Evil is evil.  There is no truth to lesser evil or compromising one’s morality in serving evil for a greater good.  These are all ego-created rationalizations and I will be talking more about this in the continuation of this theme in coming posts.  

I have noted many times on here I am as close to a pacifist as one can be without actually labeling myself as one.  I’m not a big fan of labels anyway.  There are many paradoxes in rationalizing violence.  One is that as long as the state (violence) exists, I must protect myself from the pathological behavior of other states.   I must use the violence of the state to stop the violence of other states.  Like Hitler.  Or ISIS.  (ISIS is clearly a class-based control construct trying to form its own pathological state.)   That’s a contradiction of massive proportions but I can rationalize it.   The problem with rationalizations is that who determines how far our rationalizations go?   The ego can rationalize violence to the nth degree and once I begin rationalizing, I eventually dig myself a hole that is impossible to get out of.   That is the hole humanity is in today because of its endless rationalizations.   I will be talking more about this.  The truth is violence is violence.  Even in self-defense.   Yet, I personally try to draw the line (rationalize) at someone who personally threatens me.   Not who the pathological state tells me is a threat but who personally has called out my name or person in threats or actions.  

Regardless, there really is no moral justification to support any kind of violence other than through ego-created rationalizations.   I can’t quite come to the conclusion that there is never a situation where I should not  defend myself  when threatened with violence.   Yet in doing so, I find myself supporting the very ignorance which I am so against.   Which, of course, is purely contradictory hypocrisy.  But that is part of the massive contradictory duality of the human condition.  All people are ignorant, violent hypocrites and all people are divine. 

Most people in today’s world don’t really understand violence, but if you do understand, then you appreciate the only way the world can ever move forward into a period of lasting harmony and connection is if someone first stops and says I will no longer participate in any violence against myself or anyone else or the natural world.   That includes spiritual, emotional and physical violence.  Even if it leads to my own death or demise.   But to do so forces us to face our own greatest fear and the world’s greatest source of violence.  That is, the ego’s fear of its own impermanence.  I am certain beyond any doubt that the truth is incontrovertible - the only way to completely eradicate evil from this world is to be completely nonviolent.   Explaining that is for another post.  But it does mean the permanent disappearance of the state and its hierarchical constructs that idolize moves like American Sniper

posted by TimingLogic at 10:35 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Updated: Greek Elections Sweep Out The Pathological Predators

Update:  The far left Syriza Party has agreed to a coalition with the far right Greek Independent Party.  This exposes the massive fraud of political parties.  That is, humanity is divided by pathological evil’s  fear-“created” differences to control them for the benefit of the state and its class-based, anti-democratic benefactors.  This unity coalition is certainly coming to America and other nations as people wake up to the truth.  It’s not the faux left-vs-right paradigm created by pathological politicians, it’s the right versus wrong paradigm created by our own divinity’s enlightenment.   This ties in with a long-time theme on here that both political parties in this nation are headed for extinction.  First written at a time when the infatuation level with Obama was deafening.   Let me make another updated remark to this victory.  I certainly hold little expectation that Syriza or their new prime minister, a deeply avowed communist, will magically solve all of Greece’s problems.   They won’t.  They have no experience and many of their solutions will likely be untried and unproven.  They have the potential to make the crisis worse.    But the point is that Greeks have found the courage to release themselves from what they already know.   To do so takes great courage; an expression of divinity.  To plot a new path without the net of existing paradigms and belief systems is an awesome achievement of a freed human mind.   Americans are still living within the paradigm of fear that enslaves us to existing paradigms and belief systems.  The pain and suffering has not reached a level of forcing enough people to abandon these beliefs and paradigms.  They will.   It’s only a matter of time.  Enlightenment is a process not an event.  But once those fears are released, one begins to connect to and thus recognize their own divinity and worthiness.  The Greeks have made an amazing discovery within themselves just as many other peoples are all across the world. 

For me, this is the most important election of my life time.  Literally.   More so than Grillo’s party and movement in Italy because the Greek people are literally living under the savage jack boot of evil predators in the ECB, the EU, the IMF, multi-national corporations, multi-national private banks, Germany and France.  (Antonis is a name that can be replaced with hundreds of millions or more around the world who feel the same anger at the same criminals who are trying to seal all of our fate in a future of contrived misery.)  The massive dislocations in their society are an abomination of human rights.   The Greeks have swept out the predators in a landslide election.   I don’t know if the Syriza Party will win an outright majority but I certainly am hoping for that.   I could really care less if this party stays in power as long as they serve a primary purpose of breaking the backs of the pathological predators destroying humanity.   Now, let’s see what happens next.   Can Greek’s new leaders be threatened, bribed and intimidated into doing the evil of the pathological?  Or will Greeks, the birthplace of democracy, rise up and in a great bout of irony give these predators the dose of justice they deserve for creating and contriving the crises in the world today? 

posted by TimingLogic at 8:08 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

PBS Frontline Investigation: Putin The Pathological Who Murders, Rapes And Steals With Impunity

I watched this documentary on PBS last night.  It is now available online.  It is very profound and is a must watch.  It’s nearly impossible to contrive the reality of who Vladimir Putin is as reported by Frontline.   It would take a conspiracy of unimaginable proportions to take all of the disparate people interviewed and the facts they present.   Yes, some of the most paranoid will deny reality out of their own fears, but Russia is headed for its own self-created disaster.  And that has been a long-time theme on here.  As noted on here in past posts, Putin has butchered more people in his own nation than the U.S. has in Afghanistan or Iraq.  He steals and loots from the poor.   He destroys the rule of law to perpetuate a system of pure bribery and extortion.   And the Russian police and other politicians that have tried to arrest him over massive corruption charges have faired very unwell or ended up dead.  He is clearly one of the most pathological figures in the world today.  That useful idiots in the west idolize him because he is adept at manipulating others is a deception of enormous proportions.   Of course, this deception exists everywhere - radical Islam’s entrancement of western liberals, Peak Oil, human-caused global warming, American exceptionalism, free market corporate capitalism, Democrats vs Republicans (you versus me) and on and on and on. 

This ties directly into the larger post I am working on right now.   If there is one thing that is incontrovertible, it is the ego’s ability to create its own misery.   The world is full of what I have characterized as useful idiots who do no benefit to society or themselves by misinforming others in some fear-driven, ignorant, emotional misanalysis of reality. 

It is a sign of the times that no matter where I look, some amount of the population believes boogeymen are out to get them.   In almost all circumstances there’s no one out to get you.  There are only pathological people that are interested in perpetuating a system based on their primitive ego’s own self-interest.    We create these conspiracy theory lies in our mind because we are unable to explain a reality that is inconsistent with our tyrannical, fear-driven belief systems.  These lies or beliefs exist for one reason.  To protect the ego and subvert our ability to see the truth.  The ego will lie, cheat, manipulate, steal, terrorize our minds in order to protect itself.  One of those examples of lying, cheating, manipulating, stealing and terrorizing is the faux portrayal of Vladimir Putin as some victim of U.S. terrorism.  Some have even gone so far as to portray him as they savior of the world.  Pure ignorance and self-deceit. 

Putin is clearly a pathological evil.   That doesn’t mean the U.S. empire isn’t a great evil in the world.  It certainly is.   But by comparative, what the U.S. people live under versus the average Russian is a utopia. (As Frontline notes, Russia has the greatest wealth disparity in the world.  Greater than India.  The median Russian earns $800 a year and Putin is worth up to $70 billion.  Money he has clearly looted.  Russia is a pure play on plutocracy.)   I have written incessantly about many topics on here, including this one, because I see so many lies and misinformation on so many topics.  So many useful idiots and so many people who seek to perpetuate their own self-driven victimization and thus perpetuate misinformation and suffering for others.  

Vladimir Putin is not going to save humanity from the U.S. empire as some asinine people have actually written.  And the likelihood that someone is going to instantaneously appear to save you from yourself and your own victimizing beliefs certainly isn’t likely to happen either.  Whether that is a political savior or a greater Savior.   This whole cult of personality dynamic that is rampant in the world is a sign of the times.  It is a sign of the misery that evil has enslaved humanity to.  Whether that is a cult infatuation with Kim Kardashian, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Al Gore, Katy Perry, Queen Elizabeth, Ron Paul, of a coming Savior, of death and the macabre or any other cult figure is telling of the times in which we live.   We seek the inane and vacuous distractions from our own suffering.  The ego seeks to be saved from its own self-created misery.  And because the ego "believes" nothing else exists, it exalts the ego of others as part of that dynamic.     The reality is humanity has and always will suffer in its own squalor until humanity is willing to face and release its own fear-driven shackles that creates our own illusions. 

It’s time to wake up.  The dream isn’t real. 

posted by TimingLogic at 10:14 AM

Friday, January 09, 2015

The Contradictions Of European State Liberalism Coming Home To Roost: The Terrorist Attacks In France

Update:  tens of thousands of Jews flee Paris due to ongoing attacks.  This is consistent with remarks out of Israel that there are mass immigrations of French Jews.

Let me start with some off-topic but timely remarks.  First, I am still working on my promised holiday or new year post.   This post is another segue into it.  Second, I want to update remarks made in a prior post some time ago where I noted how high the Dow Transports had risen.  The Dow Transports have now risen 73 times in the last forty years comparative to their rise of only one time in the forty years before that.    This is one measure of the massive, useless money printing of the Federal Reserve and the coming unintended consequences it has created.   Unintended consequences that cannot be stopped.   This is a sign of the scope and scale of illusion before you.  Literally everything most people think they know about money, capitalism, the global economy, employment, banking, politics, economics, their place in this world, who they really are and who they think they are and on and on.  It is all an illusion.  An illusion that has been building to a massive peak for at least forty years.   Building until literally everything about the global socioeconomic control system is going to change as truth reveals itself.  Literally every single thing.    The state has built up an illusion that is far, far, far more manipulated, contrived and manufactured than anything the Nazis or any prior totalitarian regime has created.  Far, far greater than the Soviet Union.    There isn’t any grand conspiracy theory behind this.   Just pure old-fashioned megalomania, pathology and evil.   That illusion is now collapsing.  That is also why oil is collapsing.   Because the truth about the global economy is becoming more and more difficult to contrive.  I wrote that we were headed for a collapse in oil in 2008 when it was nearing $150 a barrel and Goldman Sachs was calling for $300 oil.  I called oil’s rise in 2009, after its collapse, and I have been writing ever since that it is eventually going to collapse again.  Possibly to $10 a barrel.  We are now a ten spot away from retesting the 2008 collapse lows in oil.  And if we break that the next stop is about $20.  Why is this happening?   Because it was ordained long before this moment in time.  Decades.  And because everything that has happened since it was $10 a barrel (1998) has been an unsustainable illusion.  The China miracle, BRICs, oil, commodities, stocks, record corporate profits, American empire, debt and on and on and on.  It’s all a myth that has been created through state-enforced control constructs. 

The euro is at ten year lows and European class-based civilization, the reason for the Revolutionary War, is possibly in its final throws as we know it.  Wouldn’t it be ironic if the anti-austerity leaders in Athens ended up being responsible for sacking all of Europe’s class-based control system given it is the birthplace of direct democracy?   Europe is in the throws of major socioeconomic issues right now.  Duh!   Written on here before any of them were exposed.  Now look at what is revealing itself in Europe.  A cesspool of rot.   One issue that is revealing itself in Europe is the massive crisis of the Muslim immigrant population.   Let’s be frank.  There are some good things to be taken from religion.  Local fellowship and community of people who seek to lead a just and decent life is one of them.  But religious hierarchy and class are not one of them.  The same pathological predators who infiltrate class-based state constructs also infiltrate class-based religious constructs.  And they use terror and divisiveness to create artificial enemies, hatred, bigotry and Godlessness.  Just as the state does.  Religion is an institution of the ego, words uttered on here in past posts.  Most religions I am aware of are in some ways associated with the state or are state-created or state-endorsed constructs.  This was a major reason why so many people fled Europe for the New World.  Being taxed and forced into state-endorsed religion was and still is often reality.    This is essentially the basis for modern Islamofascism, which is nothing more than a terror-based, political control structure. 

As history clearly tells us, religion spreads through terror, murder and violence.   Much of what used to be Christian nations, such as Turkey, are all Muslim.  And now Islam is pressing on Europe itself and using age-old tactics in its battle.   And given the roots of modern organized Islam and Christianity both are creations of the state, why is that surprising?   The state exists for one reason.  To perpetuate violence on behalf of state actors.    (Mohammed became a politician and many of his writings became politicized as a state actor.  And that politicization is the basis for the predators who espouse radical Islam.   And the Roman Empire sought to defang the “radical” anti-state teachings of early Christians by sanitizing it to be consistent with state power and adopting it as the state religion before it destroyed the Empire’s halls of class and hierarchy.  Much of what was contained in early days of spiritual mysticism in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and other spiritual revolutionaries has absolutely nothing in common with modern-day Christianity or Islam.  In fact, many years ago I highlighted a book on here titled “The Family – The Secret Fundamentalism Behind American Power” that shows how our nation is ruled by neo-fascist religious fanatics every bit the equal of radical Islam.  Only in America could the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth be used as a recruiting tool for the Godlessness of the military-industrial complex, fighting wars of aggression, imperial domination, debt slavery, standing armies, wage slavery and corporate capitalism.) 

Child slavery rings, pedophelia and rape have exploded in some of the European nations with the highest concentration of Muslim immigrants.   (Do your own diligence.  The data is readily available.  Radical Islam is a pathology for hatred, misogyny and violence against non-believers. )  The vast majority of Muslims may be peaceful people, but radical Islam is a blight on humanity.   And they use class, hierarchy and terror to force good and decent Muslims into aligning with their violent, pathological goals just as the state uses class, hierarchy and terror to align good and decent Christians and people of all faiths to align to their violent pathological goals.  And, through the application of terror, murder and violence, radical Islam seeks to extend its reach.  Islam is not united in condemning all violence of any kind.   Until that happens, Islam will continue to be manipulated by hierarchical leadership comprised of evil and pathological predators.   Just like the state.

European liberals have stuck their heads up their asses and pretended issues with radical Islam don’t exist under the suppressive, dumbed-down meme of political-correctness and its outcome of faux tolerance for all people.   That faux tolerance is a myth that is now revealing its contradictions.  Since when do we tolerate systemic, ideological ignorance and violence?   Well, ever since state liberalism has placed its jack boot on the neck of humanity.   Now Europe has a monster Muslim problem and no solutions.  How does one create a cosmopolitan society when a large part of the population does not share a similar view of morality?  In other words, violence, rape, pedophelia, political domination, terrorism and other heinous beliefs are accepted norms within radical Islam.   Mind you, I am not convinced the U.S. does a better job of assimilating Islam into its culture as so many believe.   America’s pathological kyriarchy sees no color in skin or difference in religious beliefs.  We turn everyone who has the wherewithal into dumbed-down corporate drones and consumers as that has become the extent of much of our culture.  That pacifies their radicalization to some degree.   That is simply trading one form of violence for another.   And, by the way, while  not as obvious, the ideals of radical Islam  are often accepted within the halls of class and hierarchy of Christian nations.   Let me count the ways.  In many ways, I would say that radical Islam is where European state Christianity was some hundreds of years ago.    Christianity and society have evolved to the point where outward terrorism and murder in the name of God is no longer accepted.   But that doesn’t mean it still isn’t part of a more nuanced form of propaganda.  Take for example, U.S. military hegemony and its endless perpetuation of violence.  It is a more nuanced,propagandized form of doing God’s work through violence.    

 As it pertains to Islam, Europe, and the world at large, now has a dilemma.  Will people stand up against ignorance and violence and take down radical Islam, or will the continue to do as they have?  That is, pretend the issues don’t exist for fear of backlash from the Muslim community and its feeble, manipulated, pathological responses of being discriminated against?   This has been the standard response by the blight of European state liberalism.   And as a result, anti-Semitism is again a major issue in Europe - codependently, the liberal establishment and Islam have worked together to recreate that level of bigotry and hatred.   The liberal establishment that is the apologist for radical Islam.  And, in taking on their cause, liberals have adopted a similar hatred of Jews.  Just like with Hitler, once again, liberals have abandoned their morality and turned a blind eye to anti-Semitism.  

Here is the disconcerting and powerful reality to all of this.  With a huge non-assimilated Muslim population and its institutionalized, brainwashed hatred of Jews, Europe has no ability to ever come to the aid of any type of attack on Jews within their own borders or elsewhere without threatening their own power structure and, in the process, their own socioeconomic control systems.  Doing so would result in radical Islam launching violence and attacks within the borders of European states, thus creating their own internal violence against the state, against innocent citizens and ultimately, the possibility of European civil wars.   In other words, once again, European, and to a lesser extend, American liberal idiots have created the foundations for another Jewish holocaust.   And that is now why we once again are seeing a diaspora of Jews out of Europe.   They again see the writing on the walls.   For to rise up and stand against anti-Semitism is to inflame the radical bigotry and hatred of a large percentage of Europe’s anti-Semitic Muslim and liberal populations.   If radical Islam would launch an all-out attack on Israel, as just one example, what would or could Europe do to come to the aid of the rights of Jews without confronting the demons it has created in its own societies by being tolerant of ignorance and violence?  Nothing.   Are we on the verge of a global war between the dark forces of radical Islam and the power of the state?   Who knows.  But amongst the many issues facing humanity, one is radical Islam and its use of state violence to perpetuate and expand itself.   This is just another example that exposes the violence of hierarchy, class and the state as illegitimate.   And the dumbing-down of humanity that state liberalism creates.  This will all become much more clear in my upcoming post.

posted by TimingLogic at 2:20 PM

Monday, January 05, 2015

A Calvin Fairy Tale From Beppe Grillo

I’m still thinking about how to structure my next post.  I’ve realized it could become a monster and I actually have to think about how to organize it rather than just a stream of conscious keyboard hacking effort.  In the mean time, Grillo’s remarks tie directly into my next post.  That is, esoteric factors behind how and why the entire world is on the edge of collapse. 

Grillo is one name that has become famous globally in this nameless, faceless global movement to throw off the shackles of artificial state-created human misery.  Frankly, I suspect it will remain nameless and faceless as people awaken to the reality that what humanity needs is not another self-appointed savior but a restoration of their own power or the savior within.  That is, enlightenment.   Grillo’s message at the end of 2014 includes a Calvin fairy tale.  (The video is in Italian but the translated script is in English.)  How true and timeless is tale?   When reading Grillo’s tale, it’s worth considering how everyone in this world is stealing from everyone else.   That the global economy is one big grifter’s confidence game.   And how state-created and enforced class and hierarchy have enslaved humanity to do the stealing them.   As I’ve noted ad nauseam on here, about one in ten jobs in this nation contribute to wealth-creation.  The other nine out of ten jobs consume wealth.  Or, put another way, are simply methods used to transfer wealth from the poor or the working-class stiff to the rich.   Some of those wealth-consuming  jobs may be chosen by society if they were educated on reality and actually had a democratic choice.  Or not.   Most would almost certainly be classified as “or not”.

Can you count how many ways this story applies to the world today?  Corporations can only exist in perpetuity through rent extraction.  Renter capitalism is a looting scheme.  Class and hierarchy of capitalism is a looting scheme.  The state is a looting scheme.  Monarchies are a looting scheme.  Private, for-profit banks are looting schemes.  Standing armies are looting schemes.   The military-industrial complex is a looting scheme.  The European Union is a looting scheme.  Free trade agreements are looting schemes.  The medical industrial complex is a looting scheme.  The industrial food complex is a looting scheme.   Wall Street is a looting scheme.    Hedge funds are looting schemes.  The investor class is a looting scheme.  Communism is a looting scheme.  Political parties are looting schemes. OPEC  is a looting scheme.  Corporation personhood is a looting scheme.  Private money creation is a looting scheme.  Gold money is a looting scheme.  Globalization is a looting scheme.   Central banks are a looting scheme.  Modern-day universities are a looting scheme.  Non-living wages and economic slavery are looting schemes.  Destroying economic determinism is a looting scheme.  An all-powerful central state is a looting scheme.   Welfare or miniscule state handouts aka socializing capitalism’s losses are looting schemes.    That’s enough for now.   

posted by TimingLogic at 10:21 AM